Coming to the most prestigious bookmaker V9BET you will experience many interesting things about sports betting or attractive online games. Although V9BET only appeared in the Vietnamese market not long ago, the number of members participating in the bookmaker is not small. How to register the fastest, most accurate V9BET account to get 4.5 USD not everyone knows, today's article win betting tips will guide you.
[caption id="attachment_2927" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Registering a V9BET account is simple with instructions from[/caption]The most detailed V9BET account registration guide
Step 1: Visit the V9BET website
The first step in theV9BET registration guide is to visit the V9BET homepage, click the link provided by V9BET to avoid mistakenly accessing the current scam links.
Once you have entered the V9BET homepage you will see the registration letter right on the screen click on the word "Sign Up".
[caption id="attachment_2928" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Go to the homepage and click on the Sign Up box[/caption]Step 2: Complete V9BET registration information
Click on the "Sign Up" box immediately after which there will be a V9BET registration form as shown below. Remember to choose a Vietnamese or English language for easy operation.
To register an account, you just need to fill in the information categories according to the following image.
- Fill in the V9BET 1 registration information correctly, the bookmaker will keep the information confidential 1 way absolutely, so you can rest assured.
- Personal information: Personal information must be filled in accurately and completely with full name (full name of the player must match the full name on the ATM card to transact money with V9BET) to ensure payment transactions such as deposits and withdrawals are safe and fast.
- V9BET login information: "Username" and "password" are information that must be accurate. The password will be 6 characters or more in length and you should use both alphanumerics but be safe. Players should absolutely not use the date of birth or full name to set a password.
- Account information and security: If you do not have Email, create yourself 1 new email address. So that you can receive notifications and secure your account from V9BET bookmakers.
One information box that V9BET bookmakers ask you to fill in is to select Country and Currency. If you are staying in Thailand, you will choose Thailand as the country and THB as the transaction currency.
Then click Confirm.
Step 3: Confirm V9BET account registration
[caption id="attachment_2930" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Complete registration[/caption]Try logging back in to V9BET with the same name and password you just created. If there is any problem, please contact V9BET bookmaker's customer service. So the registration is complete, next we will come to the tutorial on how to receive 4.5 USD free bet promotion.
How to get bonuses when signing up for V9BET?
First-time players participating in V9BET receive quite a lot of incentives. With this bonus amount, you are required to use it to make bets, not withdraw to your bank card.
The profit that players earn from the new bonus is allowed to be withdrawn as usual. You should remember that the offer from the bookmaker always comes with quite a few conditions. Requires players to research carefully before making a decision whether they should register here to receive promotions or not.
Get 3000 THB when successfully registering a V9BET account
[caption id="attachment_2931" align="aligncenter" width="800"] V9BET offers huge promotions to new players[/caption]There are many players who do not know how to receive rewards and miss their opportunities. During the account creation process, players must update all accurate information. When that account is activated, you need to do some additional steps:
- Update information to the account: The initial data you provide to the bookmaker is just an account creation registration table. All done when you need to update the details. Go to My Account, now 1 dashboard appears. You need to fully update the data that the bookmaker requires including date of birth, full name, address. Finally, tap Update to upload the information to the system.
- Update bank information: This is a very important step and you do it with absolute accuracy. This bank information is related to the bonus withdrawal transaction going forward. If only 1 item does not match, or is wrong, your withdrawal will be rejected. Add a bank account => Add another account number. Before clicking Send, check 1 more time for accuracy.
- Get a bonus of 3000 THB: To be able to receive this bonus, click on the button Join promotion => Free bets for new members => Join.
- Join the V9BET bookmaker free bet for new members, this is the step that the bookmaker allows players to practice getting used to the games at the bookmaker.
You need to wait about 24 hours for the amount of 4.5 USD to be updated to the bookmaker's account. Because the number of people who make V9BET registrations is so large, the bookmaker takes time to process.
Above are all the steps to register V9BET and how to get free bonuses at the bookmaker. Hopefully, with those steps, you will successfully create 1 account at V9BET and join the exciting experience here.
See also: V9BET bookmaker login guide